About the Author

Daniel M. Rogich was born in Canton, Ohio, into a working class family, and was first introduced to the practice of the Jesus Prayer as a nine-year-old church camper, by a beloved priest, Fr. Mateja Matejić. Daniel felt his first calling and subsequent foray into spiritual literature and theology in college, when he attended Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio. Yet he first went there for another reason: as a scholarship athlete in basketball, he became incredibly successful, an All-American, and was inducted in the university’s Athletic Hall of Fame. It was there also that he began reading spiritual literature, such as the Philokalia and The Way of a Pilgrim, formative texts on the Jesus Prayer, as well as books by Thomas Merton, such as Seeds of Contemplation and Seven Story Mountain. He also studied ancient Greek and was headed, after graduation, to study theology at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, New York.

But before this Daniel went back to his old high school and became a public school history teacher as well as basketball coach. At this time he learned how to teach and mentor, which later was invaluable in his seminars on how to do the Jesus Prayer.  Being from, as he describes it, a “churchly family,” and one that was active in serving others in the community, Daniel always insisted on “becoming all things to all people,” as is evidenced in his straightforward “how-to” approach in his book, The Friend of God: An Illustrated Manual of the Jesus Prayer.

At St. Vladimir’s Daniel listened to lectures from +Alexander Schmemann, +John Meyendorff, and +Thomas Hopko, all who were on the cutting edge in explaining ancient Christian theology in a modern setting, coupling that with an emphasis on communal worship and personal spiritual growth. He especially valued learning about hesychasm from Fr. Meyendorff, and began translating from Greek into English spiritual texts of the Holy Fathers of the Church, such as Sts. Gregory Palamas, Cyril of Alexandria, and Gregory of Nazianzos.

After graduation and marriage, Daniel was ordained a deacon, and with his wife Maria moved to Serbia, where he lived with V. Rev. Amfilocije (Radović), making as well trips to Greece, especially Mount Athos and other monasteries, soaking in the spiritual tradition of eastern Christianity. At this time Daniel felt a desire to continue theological studies, which he did, upon returning to America, obtaining a doctorate in theology at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Daniel then began, after being ordained a priest, a thirty-plus year career of teaching and writing theology in graduate schools and seminaries, pastoring and holding seminars on spirituality in local parishes. Daniel always believed that good theology can never be done in a vacuum, in some kind of “ivory tower,” but must be shared with people of all backgrounds in their everyday lives. One of the fruits of this very fruitful career is the book, The Friend of God, able to read by both the monk as well as an average layperson, or anyone who is spiritually thirsty. The belief is this: The practice of the Jesus Prayer can be the most valuable tool for anyone to become closer to God, to practice a Christianity that is not “dry” and “dull,” but is a veritable map toward a vivified and grace-filled salvation, which is deified life with God.

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