Books & Publications



Serbian Patericon: Saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Volume 2

Serbian Patericon: Saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Volume 2

Volume 2 of the Serbian Saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church, is a masterful compilation of the inspiring lives of heroic Serbian Orthodox Christians throughout the centuries of her church in the Balkans and throughout the world. This volume covers the lives celebrated liturgically annually during the months of May and June. Written by the scholar Daniel Rogich, they also include the most recent canonizations of Saints during World War One and up to 2024. These lives have never appeared prior in one volume in English, and the details of the history, events, social and culture settings are given in order to provide an historical context which allows the reader to grasp more fully their heroic Christian lives and the impact and importance they have for not only the Serbian Orthodox but for all spiritual seekers throughout the world.

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